Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Computer Science in Ocean and Climate Research URL PDF XML

Modulcode: Inf-MKli
Englische Bezeichnung: Computer Science in Ocean and Climate Research
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Thomas Slawig
Turnus: unregelmäßig (SS19 SS20 SS21 WS22/23 SS24)
Präsenzzeiten: 2V 2Ü
Workload: 30 h lectures, 30 h group exercise, 120 h self study and home exercises
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: BSc-Inf-WP (BSc Inf (21)) WI (BSc Inf (15)) MSc-Inf-WP (MSc Inf (21)) 2F-MEd-Inf-WP (MEd-Hdl Inf (21)) 2F-MA-Inf-WP (2F-MA Inf (21)) MSc-WInf-WP-Inf (MSc WInf (21)) WI (MSc Inf (15)) WI (MSc WInf (15)) WI (MEd Inf)
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Voraussetzungen: Info


Introduction to basic principles of climate models. Description of tasks and applications of computer science in in ocean and climate research, including theoretical and programming exercises.


At the end, the students shall be able to

  • name and describe the main components of the climate system
  • give a general mathematical formulation of climate models, in continuous and discrete setting
  • describe and implement a modularized version of simple climate models
  • describe simple exemplary climate models (that are presented in the course)
  • summarize main features of the Fortran programming language and to write and compile Fortran code
  • explain the form of simple space-dependent climate models
  • explain selected methods of increasing the speed of climate models, e.g. parallelization in space and/or time
  • install and use provided realistic climate simulation software
  • run batch jobs on HPC hardware
  • explain the basic structure of the netCDF data format


Models and data are important material of ocean and climate researchers. Models help to simulate and predict climate, data are used for analysis and verification. What can be a computer scientist's task? Improve the model code w.r.t. software design, modularize, define interfaces to make it applicable in a more flexible way, improve and accelerate the models using efficient algorithms and parallelization, organize, visualize and analyze data, optimize models. In this course, these topics will be addressed using an exemplary model and simulation framework.

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

One and multi-dimensional calculus, basic linear algebra, programming in a higher programming or scripting language.


Oral exam, admission for exam: submission of exercises

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:

Flipped classroom method:

  • Self-study of content provided in video podcasts and slides
  • "lecture" hours are used for discussion of questions, examples and exercises
  • Additional exercise in groups
  • Homework exercises
  • Self-study


  • BSc Computer Science (Informatik) and Business Information Technology (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
  • BSc Mathematics (Mathematik) Nebenfach Computer Science (Informatik)
  • Elective course in MSc Environmental Management, Group D: Complementary Studies
  • Course in the International Master School of Marine Science (iMSMS)


Will be given in the lecture

