Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Bachelor Seminar - Real-Time / Embedded Systems URL PDF XML

Modulcode: Inf-Sem-Echtz
Englische Bezeichnung: Bachelor Seminar - Real-Time / Embedded Systems
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Reinhard von Hanxleden
Turnus: unregelmäßig (WS11/12 SS12 SS13 WS13/14 SS14 WS14/15 SS15 WS16/17 WS17/18 WS18/19 SS19 WS19/20 SS20 WS20/21 SS21 WS21/22 WS22/23 SS23 WS23/24 SS24 WS24/25 SS25)
Präsenzzeiten: 2S
Workload: 40 Std. Literaturarbeit, 60 Std. Verfassen des Portfolios, 20 Std. Erstellung einer Präsentation, 30 Std. Seminarteilnahme
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: BSc-Inf-Sem (BSc Inf (21)) Sem (BSc Inf (15)) Sem (BSc Inf)
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Voraussetzungen: Info


The seminar deals with selected research areas from the field of real-time systems and embedded systems, each building on lectures from the two previous semesters. A number of topics with exemplary references are offered to choose from from an area, which are then worked out independently by the seminar participants. Seminar participants will write a seminar paper, based on a conference contribution, they will review other papers and will give an oral presentation. Past topics have included model-based system design, real-time operating systems and bus systems, and synchronous languages.


The students can

  • Understand scientific literature of medium difficulty
  • Write simple technical texts, in particular quote appropriately and use correct technical language.
  • Create and deliver presentations and also create presentations.
  • Engage critically with one's own work and the work of others within the framework of a scientific discourse.


Topics from the areas of real-time and embedded systems

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

Participation in the preparatory lectures.


Portfolio and one presentation.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:



The literature is announced individually for each implementation of the module.


Further details and links can be found in the respective UnivIS entries.
