Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Collaboration and Integration of Information Systems URL PDF XML

Modulcode: MSS0501
Englische Bezeichnung: Collaboration and Integration of Information Systems
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Bernhard Thalheim
Turnus: unregelmäßig (WS09/10 SS13)
Präsenzzeiten: 2V 4Ü 2PÜ
Workload: 240 Std.
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: IG (MSc Inf)
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Voraussetzungen: Info


Specification of distribution has neglected over a long period for information system. Almost all approaches resulted in syntactical fragmentation of databases and allocation of fragments to network component systems. Neither programming nor treatment of semantics has got a satisfying solution. With the advent of workflow systems, of specification languages for communication systems and of frameworks for data exchange this situation has completely changed. Instead of explicit specification of distribution, multi-database systems and federated database systems have been extensively discussed in the literature. Database research has succeeded in developing approaches that incorporate conceptual specification and allow to reason on systems at a far higher abstraction level. With the advent of web information systems systems became naturally distributed. Distribution does not stand alone but follows computations and business needs. Thus, we need to consider structuring, functionality and distribution at the same time. Since these aspects are intertwined with each other and systems cooperate, communicate and coordinate their action we base our consideration on collaboration. It integrates communication, coordination and cooperation.


Understanding, modelling and programming of collaborative systems based on a separation of concern into communication, cooperation and coordination.


Specification languages for communication, coordination and cooperation Integration strategies Implementation platforms for integrated information systems Architectures of collaborating and integrated information systems XML-based collaboration systems IS functions and its role in marshalling information infrastructures and information assets Management of integrated and collaborating information systems

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

Datenbanksysteme I, Datenbanksysteme III, Datenbanksysteme II oder Informatik III



Lehr- und Lernmethoden:



to be updated with the first edition of the lecture

