Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Masterseminar Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research URL PDF XML

Modulcode: MSS1002
Englische Bezeichnung: Master seminar Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring
Turnus: unregelmäßig (SS09 SS11 SS12 SS15)
Präsenzzeiten: 2S
Workload: 120 Std.
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: Sem (MSc Inf)
Lehrsprache: Deutsch
Voraussetzungen: Info


In this seminar, we will discuss empirical methods in software engineering research such as controlled experiments, case studies, surveys, literature studies and action research.


You will learn how empirical research in software engineering works. This way, you will become prepared to do your own research in post-graduate research, such as MSc and PhD theses. For such research activities, you will need to formulate hypotheses, build theories, analyze data, discuss treats to validity of empirical results, and finally publish the results.


We will review representative publications on empirical methods in software engineering research.

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

You should be interested in software engineering research.


Elaborated seminar paper, peer reviews, scientific presentation.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:

Work with scientific literature.




Tichy, W.F.; Should computer scientists experiment more? IEEE Computer 31 (5) 32-40. May 1998.

Basili, V.R.; The role of experimentation in software engineering: past, current, and future. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 1996) p442-449. 25-30 March 1996.

Perry, D. E.; Porter, A. A.; Votta, L. G.; Empirical studies of software engineering: a roadmap. The Future of Software Engineering p345-355. ACM Press, May 2000.

Easterbrook, S. M., Singer, J., Storey, M, and Damian, D. Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research. In F. Shull and J. Singer (eds) Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering'', Springer, 2007.

Kitchenham, B.A.; Pfleeger, S.L.; Pickard, L.M.; Jones, P.W.; Hoaglin, D.C.; El Emam, K.; Rosenberg, J.; Preliminary guidelines for empirical research in software engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28 (8), 721-734. Aug. 2002.

