Modulinformationssystem Informatik


IS Integration, Migration and Evolution URL PDF XML

Modulcode: WInf-ISIntMiEv
Englische Bezeichnung: Information Systems Integration, Migration und Evolution
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Bernhard Thalheim
Turnus: unregelmäßig (SS11 SS13)
Präsenzzeiten: 2V 1Ü 1PÜ
Workload: 30 Std. Vorlesung, 15 Std. Übung, 15 Std. Parktikum, 120 Std. Selbststudium
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: WWi (MSc WInf (15)) AM-IDWM (MSc WInf)
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Voraussetzungen: Info


Most IKT infrastructures are currently based on information systems that are backed by a farm of database systems. These database and information systems constantly evolve due to changes in the applications and to evolution of IKT. Moreover, systems are merged or integrated into or split to new systems.

This paper provides a deep insight into methods for data, model and functional integration of information systems. It shows how to develop migration architectures and pathes in evolving worlds.


The student is able to prepare information systems for their integration at the data level, at the structural level and at the functionality level. The student knows how to analyse existing systems and how to prepare these systems for migration and evolution. The student are able to use conversion guides and specific migration programs and to adapt them to the needs of of an organisation. The students have an insight into how to make an information system fit for evolution.


Integration aims at developing a unified state of multiple components into one whole, complex system and is based on the process of unifying multiple components into one complex system. It ranges from customer data integration and master data management, from enterprise application and enterprise information integration, from service-oriented integration, and from model management to functional integration.

Migration is the process of moving from the use of one database or information systems environment to another environment that is, in most cases, is thought to be a better one.

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

Knowledge in database management systems technology, software engineering, database programming is essential. A background in distributed (information) systems would be beneficial.


Integration and migration project in collaboration with partners in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:

Lecturing is the main method when introducing and explaining new concepts and when adding insight and expand on previously presented material. Main methods used during lecturing are: audio-visual presentation, problem-solving activities, presentation, synthesis, experimenting with software tools, development of solutions to tasks given by people from practice, buzz sessions, independent practice, modelling, simulation, debriefing, projects, skill practice and guided practice.

Main methods used for seminars are: development of solutions to problems, discussion of difficulties and problems in solution development, development of prototypical solutions and presentation of results.


Accent module within the specialisation Information Systems Development and Management'' and Data, Information and Knowledge Management''


Joseph Fong. Information Systems Reengineering and integration. Springer 2006

Ulf Leser, Felix Naumann. Informationsintegration. dpunkt.verlag, 2006

Michael L. Brodie, Michael Stonebraker. Migrating legacy systems - Gateways, interfaces and the incremental approach. Morgan Kaufman, 1995

