Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Masterprojekt - Echtzeitsysteme / Eingebettete Systeme URL PDF XML

Modulcode: Inf-MP-ES
Englische Bezeichnung: Master project - Real-Time/Embedded Systems
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr. Reinhard von Hanxleden
Turnus: unregelmäßig (WS16/17 SS19 WS19/20 SS20 WS20/21 SS21 WS21/22 SS23)
Präsenzzeiten: 4PÜ
ECTS: 10
Workload: 300 Std. Projektarbeit, davon 60 Std. betreut
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: MSc-Inf-Proj (MSc Inf (21)) 2F-MSc-Proj (2F-MA Inf (21)) Proj (MSc Inf (15))
Lehrsprache: Deutsch
Voraussetzungen: Info


This module covers varying topics from the area of real-time systems/embedded systems, typically in the context of model-based design and/or synchronous languages. The content from lectures from the two previous semesters will be practically deepened. Past editions have dealt, among other things, with the use and design of modeling tools, the control of the institute's own model railway system, the development of an electronic orchestra (ARTEMIS Contest), or the development of an app for railway vehicle localization.


The participants should learn to work on a larger, coherent project from the subject area in a limited amount of time. The focus is on independent project management and group work.


The specific teaching content changes depending on the topic. Across topics, however, the use of version and project management tools should be practiced.

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

Participation in the preparatory lectures.


Presentation of the internship results.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:



Individual tasks are supported with appropriate literature at the start of the project.


Further details can be found in the respective UnivIS entries.
