Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Operating Systems URL PDF XML

Modulcode: infOS-01a
Englische Bezeichnung: Operating Systems
Modulverantwortliche(r): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Tomforde
Turnus: jedes Jahr im WS (WS22/23 WS23/24 WS24/25)
Präsenzzeiten: 3V 2Ü
Workload: 45 h lectures, 30 exercises, 135 h self studies
Dauer: ein Semester
Modulkategorien: BSc-Inf-A (BSc Inf (21)) BSc-WInf-WP-Inf (BSc WInf (21)) 2F-MEd-Inf-WP (MEd-Hdl Inf (21)) 2F-MA-Inf-WP (2F-MA Inf (21)) Arch-NFInf21 (Inf. als NF)
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Voraussetzungen: Info Inf-CompSys infEInf-01a


The module covers the functionality of modern operating systems. Based on the basic concept, the connection between the hardware of the computer system and interaction with the user is discussed. The focus is on the services that an operating system offers an application program or a user. In order to understand and assess these services, the most important principles and techniques of their implementation are presented. The main topics are: tasks and architecture of operating systems, device management and file systems, memory management, process management and parallel processes as well as process communication, security and command interpreters. Working with an operating system is taught in practical exercises.


The participants develop a deeper understanding of the tasks, structure and functionality of an operating system. They explain the different subtasks of an operating system and compare the corresponding forms of implementation with regard to their advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, you can make well-founded design decisions for adapting an operating system to requirement profiles.


  • Introduction and historical development of operating systems
  • Brief introduction to the C programming language
  • System calls and shell
  • Hardware interrupts
  • scheduling
  • memory interaction
  • message interaction
  • Concurrency and philosopher problem
  • storage management
  • Summary and Outlook

Weitere Voraussetzungen:

Participants should master the following basics:

  • Digital systems
  • Programming using JAVA / Python / C ++ (or already C)
  • Data structures and algorithms


Written exam (probably 90 min). Successful participation in the assignments and quizzes during the semester is part of the examination (admission to the written exam).

Lehr- und Lernmethoden:

  • Lecture on conveying information
  • Global exercise for follow-up and deepening of the material
  • Practical computer exercises as group exercises to deepen the application-oriented part of the material
  • self-study



  • W. Stallings: Operating Systems, 6th ed., Pearson Education, Boston, 2009, ISBN 978-0136006329
  • A. Tanenbaum, H. Bos: Modern Operating Systems, 4th ed., Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, 2014, ISBN 978-0133591620

