Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Exportmodule für andere Studiengänge

Minimale ECTS-Punkte in dieser Kategorie: 0 / Maximale ECTS-Punkte in dieser Kategorie: 12

Most elective modules assume basic knowledge in programming. If students do not have such basic knowledge, they can attend the cours on Informatik für die Naturwissenschaften, wich is taught in German.

Note, that some of the listed modules are in German. Students can also attend further (elective) modules from the departement of Computer Science. Before attending these modules you should contact the study advisor for export modules, Frank Huch.

MSc Economics and Quantative Finance ECTS WS24/25 SS25
Inf-PatRec: Pattern Recognition 6 Schra.
infDP-01a: Deklarative Programmierung 7 Hanus
infDaSci-01a: Data Science 5 Renz
infGeC-01a: Grundlagen E-Commerce 6 Speck

Semesterplanung von bis :