Modulinformationssystem Informatik


Masterstudiengang Informatik (ab WS 21/22)

Theoretische Informatik (MSc-Inf-Theo) Planung WS24/25 - SS25 ECTS
Inf-AlgSeq: Algorithms on Sequences 6
Inf-CombWords: Combinatorics on Words 6
MS0201: Approximative Algorithmen 8
MS0202: Effiziente Algorithmen 8
infAAT-01a: Algebraic Automata Theory 6
infALG-01a: Automata, Logic, and Games 6
infAutLog-01a: Automata and Logics 8
infCompl-01a: Computational Complexity 6
infCryp-01a: Cryptography 8
infESSS-02a: Engineering Secure Software Systems 6
infFGA-01a: Fine Grained Algorithms 8
infFLog-01a: Fortgeschrittene Logik in der Informatik 6
infIO-01a: Integer Optimization 8
infLICS2-01a: Logic in Computer Science - Advanced 8
infQComp-01a: Quantum Computing 6
infSPAC-01a: Scheduling Problems: Algorithms and Complexity 6
infWortkomb-01a: Wortkombinatorik 6
Wahlpflicht Informatik (MSc-Inf-WP) Planung WS24/25 - SS25 ECTS
Inf-AlgSeq: Algorithms on Sequences 6
Inf-BioInf-SysBio: Bioinformatics/Systems Biology 6
Inf-CB: Übersetzerbau 8
Inf-CG: Computer Graphics 8
Inf-CV: Image-based 3D Scene Reconstruction 8
Inf-CombWords: Combinatorics on Words 6
Inf-DPS: Deklarative Programmiersprachen 8
Inf-DigSig: Multimediale Signal- und Bildverarbeitung 8
Inf-EinfBV: Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung 8
Inf-EntEinSys: Embedded Real-Time Systems 8
Inf-GSoZu: Grundlagen der Softwarezuverlässigkeit 8
Inf-GraphDraw8: Automatic Graph Drawing 8
Inf-HPC: Hochleistungsrechnen 6
Inf-MKli: Computer Science in Ocean and Climate Research 6
Inf-NNDL: Neural networks and deep learning 6
Inf-NVP: Nebenläufige und verteilte Programmierung 6
Inf-PPS: Prinzipien von Programmiersprachen 8
Inf-PatRec: Pattern Recognition 6
Inf-SyncSpr: Synchronous Languages 8
MS0201: Approximative Algorithmen 8
MS0202: Effiziente Algorithmen 8
MS0304: Functional Programming 8
WInf-SMWS: Social Media und Web Science 6
inf3DCV-01a: 3D-Szenenrekonstruktion (Computer Vision) 8
infAAT-01a: Algebraic Automata Theory 6
infADMMLM-01a: Advanced Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods 8
infALG-01a: Automata, Logic, and Games 6
infAPM-01a: Advanced Process Mining 6
infAlgMetP-01a: Algorithmische Methoden in der Praxis 6
infAuLearn-01a: Autonomous Learning 8
infAutLog-01a: Automata and Logics 8
infBDMaA-01a: Big Data Management and Analytics 8
infBRPA-01a: Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation 6
infCDP-01a: Concurrent and Distributed Programming 8
infCG-01a: Computer Graphik 8
infCG-02a: Computer Graphics 8
infCI-01a: Computational Intelligence 8
infCV3D-01a: 3D Computer Vision 8
infCompl-01a: Computational Complexity 6
infCryp-01a: Cryptography 8
infDLfNLP-01a: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing 6
infDS-01a: Distributed Systems 8
infDataVis-01a: Data Visualization 6
infEAeS-01a: Methoden der Effizienten Ähnlichkeitssuche in großen Datenbeständen 8
infEDAI-01a: Tiny Machine Learning (Edge AI) 8
infEOR-01a: Einführung in Operations Research 6
infESSS-02a: Engineering Secure Software Systems 6
infEdP-02a: Entwicklung digitaler Plattformen 6
infEnlOpt-01a: Einführung in nichtlineare Optimierung 6
infEthik-01a: Ethik in der Informatik 2
infFGA-01a: Fine Grained Algorithms 8
infFLog-01a: Fortgeschrittene Logik in der Informatik 6
infGAI-01a: Generative AI 8
infGIS-01a: Geo-Informationssysteme 8
infIO-01a: Integer Optimization 8
infIR-01a: Information Retrieval 8
infInS-01a: Intelligent Systems 8
infIoT-01a: Internet of Things and Wireless Networks 8
infKDDM-01a: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 8
infLICS2-01a: Logic in Computer Science - Advanced 8
infNumSim-01a: Numerical Simulation 8
infODS-01a: Optimization and Data Science 8
infOdS-01a: Optimierung dynamischer Systeme 6
infPM-01a: Process Mining 6
infPaS-01a: Planning and Scheduling 6
infPiNN-01a: Physikalisch-informierte Neuronale Netze 6
infProRo-01a: Probabilistic Robotics 5
infQComp-01a: Quantum Computing 6
infSA-01a: Softwarearchitektur 7
infSEPVS-01a: Software Engineering für parallele und verteilte Systeme 8
infSPAC-01a: Scheduling Problems: Algorithms and Complexity 6
infWmWt-01a: Wissensmanagement und Wissenstechnologien 6
infWortkomb-01a: Wortkombinatorik 6
Masterseminar (MSc-Inf-Sem) Planung WS24/25 - SS25 ECTS
Inf-MS-EES: Master Seminar - Real-Time/Embedded Systems 5
Inf-MS-EMSER: Master Seminar - Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research 5
Inf-MS-FSV: Master Seminar - Formal Software Verification 5
Inf-MS-NumOpt: Master Seminar - Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 5
Inf-MS-PS: Masterseminar - Programmiersprachen und Programmiersysteme 5
Inf-MS-TIAktF: Masterseminar - Theoretische Informatik (Aktuelle Forschungsfragen) 5
Inf-MS-VM: Masterseminar - Deep Learning in Computer Vision 5
infMSemAlKo-01a: Master Seminar: Algorithmics and Combinatorics of Sequences 5
infMSemCAL-01a: Master Seminar - Cryptography, Automata Theory, Logic 5
infMSemSafeML-01a: Masterseminar - Sicherheit und Maschinelles Lernen 5
infSemAMLMe-01a: Master Seminar - Advances in ML Methods in Materials Science and Engineering 5
infSemDL: Master Seminar - Digital Libraries 5
infSemDS-01a: Master Seminar - Networked and Distributed Systems 5
infSemDaSci-01a: Master Seminar - Data Science 5
infSemDeLea-01a: Master Seminar - Deep Learning 5
infSemMaLea-01a: Masterseminar - Machine Learning 5
infSemViMa: Master Seminar -Visual Mapping 5
Masterprojekt (MSc-Inf-Proj) Planung WS24/25 - SS25 ECTS
Inf-MP-AOS: Master project - Algorithmic Optimal Control / Climate Simulation 10
Inf-MP-AlgEng: Masterprojekt - Algorithm Engineering 10
Inf-MP-ES: Masterprojekt - Echtzeitsysteme / Eingebettete Systeme 10
Inf-MP-VM: Masterprojekt - Visuelle Modellierung 10
Inf-MPAlgKombSeq: Masterprojekt - Algorithmik und Kombinatorik von sequenziellen Strukturen 10
Inf-MPFSV: Master project - Formal Software Verification 10
Inf-MPPS: Masterprojekt - Programmiersprachen und Programmiersysteme 10
Inf-MPSE: Master project - Software Engineering 10
infMPAIDS-01a: Master Project - Data Science and Data Mining 10
infMPCLL-01a: Masterprojekt - Computergestütztes Lehren und Lernen 10
infMPInS-01a: Master project - Intelligent Systems 10
infMPMaL-01a: Master project - Machine Learning 10
infMPUwVi: Master project - Underwater Vision 10
infMPVVS-01a: Master project - Networked and Distributed Systems 10
Außerfachlicher Wahlbereich (Msc-Inf-AW) Planung WS24/25 - SS25 ECTS
WInf-BibAlt: Scholarly Big Data Analysis 6
infEthik-01a: Ethik in der Informatik 2

Semesterplanung von bis :